

UFC 145 ‘Jones vs. Evans’ Live Results and Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the Philips Arena in Atlanta at approximately 7 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of UFC 145, which is headlined by a light heavyweight title bout between champion Jon Jones and challenger Rashad Evans.

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Marcus Brimage vs. Maximo Blanco

Round 1
Blanco lands a chopping leg kick, misses when he goes high on the shorter man. Brimage tests the range and tries to stick a straight punch through the guard of his fellow southpaw, but Blanco wheels away. Brimage catches a kick from Blanco and grazes with a countershot. The American comes inside and throws a combo, catching Blanco off-balance with a left hook. Another left hand scores for Brimage as he rushes Blanco into the fence, then backs out. Blanco ducks the next punch and pulls Brimage to the ground, but Brimage pops right back to his feet. Two minutes to go in the round and the featherweights are still looking hesitant to engage. They trade leg kicks, Blanco getting the better. Brimage comes inside with another combo and touches the Venezuelan again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brimage
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brimage
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brimage

Round 2
Blanco begins to find his range early in the second stanza, scoring with more low kicks and a pair of solid front kicks. They go back to circling and looking for openings, Brimage still rushing forward to throw hands while Blanco keeps his range, flicking out leg kicks and trying to keep out of range. Blanco gets zapped by another left hand, but he quickly responds with a front kick to the face. Brimage lands a left hook and Blanco counters with a right. Brimage slips on a kick but gets right back up and keeps the pressure on Blanco for the final 20 seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Blanco
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Blanco
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Blanco

Round 3
Brimage is circling the outside now, keeping Blanco on his toes as he moves around the perimeter while mixing in punching combinations and leg kicks. One kick takes the base out from underneath Blanco, but Brimage doesn’t give chase. Blanco tries to tie up and take down Brimage, but Brimage denies it and stays vertical to rush his man with another combo. Midway through the final frame now and the Atlanta crowd is getting restless. Brimage lands another big left hook; Blanco tries to counter with a high kick which misses, and Brimage comes in behind it with more punches. Down to the final minute now and neither man is fighting with any real urgency, instead exchanging slapping leg kicks as the circle. Blanco tries to clinch up again and this time gets a combination for his troubles. The fight ends without any further significant offense, but both men try to put on a show after the bell with an impromptu backflip competition.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brimage (29-28 Brimage)

Official result: One judge scores the bout 29-28 for Blanco, while another has it 30-27 for Brimage. The final judge sees it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Marcus Brimage.

Keith Wisniewski vs. Chris Clements

Round 1
Clements tries some right-handed haymakers that miss, but he tags Wisniewski with the follow-up left. Wisniewski clinches up and drags Clements to the ground, where he passes to side control on the left and then easily moves to full mount. Clements gives up his back and Wisniewski tries to secure the position, but the Canadian gets his back to the ground again. Wisniewski is bleeding from the corner of his right eye as he works from half-guard, dropping some hard shots. Referee Fernando Yamasaki issues a baffling stand-up order with just under two minutes remaining and Clements goes back to lobbing right-handed bombs. Clements is getting inside on the taller man with punches now, and he drops Wisniewski with a turning kick to the gut. Clements tries to pounce and nearly gets caught in a triangle, but he pops out. They stand back up and Clements grazes with a spinning back fist, then gets clinched into the cage for the final few seconds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wisniewski
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Clements
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clements

Round 2
Wisniewski walks down Clements, sticking him with a combination before tripping him to the ground at the base of the fence. Wisniewski tries to take his back again, but Clements uses the cage to work back to his feet. Clements disengages with a spinning back fist which just misses, then tries the same spinning kick which hurt Wisniewski in the first round. Clements throws a hard right hand to Wisniewski’s ribs as Wisniewski continues to back away from the power shots and flashy kicks. Clements puts another kick in Wisniewski’s breadbasket and goes for a takedown of his own. They wind up clinching on the cage with Clements on the outside. Wisniewski turns him around and gets a takedown with just over 90 seconds left. He takes full mount again and Clements gives up his back again. Wisniewski is much more stable on his back this time as he works to cinch up a rear-naked choke. Clements defends well, but Wisniewski has a body triangle and is controlling Clements’ left arm. Clements uses his free right arm to throw some vicious elbows over his shoulder, momentarily dazing Wisniewski. The round ends with Wisniewski still on Clements’ back.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Clements
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wisniewski
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clements

Round 3 The welterweights start the final round with a hug and then immediately begin throwing hands. Clements gets dragged down along the fence again but Wisniewski doesn’t hold him there long this time. Clements is looking tired as he measures up Wisniewski for more power punches, throwing inside leg kicks in the meantime. Clements snaps back Wisniewski’s head with some hard hooks, lands another spinning back kick to the body, misses with a spinning back fist. Clements goes to the body with a left hook, then high with the right hand. Wisniewski moves forward now, getting lit up as he tries to strike back and eventually resorting to another clinch. Wisniewski can’t get the takedown this time and gets backed off with a nasty close-quarters elbow from Clements. Big right hands from Clements have Wisniewski in trouble, and he puts him down with a knee. Clements stands over his prone opponent and closes out the bout with some strong ground-and-pound.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Clements (29-28 Clements)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Clements (29-28 Clements)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Clements (30-27 Clements)

Official result: One judge sees the bout 29-28 for Clements, while a second scores it 29-28 for Wisniewski. The final judge has it 30-27 for the winner by split decision, Chris Clements.

Mac Danzig vs. Efrain Escudero

Round 1
Danzig quickly closes the gap and muscles Escudero into the fence, where the lightweights trade knees up the middle. Escudero reverses the position while Danzig keeps a Thai plum. Danzig gets the outside position again, eats a short elbow and takes Escudero down. They land awkwardly and Escudero goes for a heel hook. It’s deep, but Danzig twists free and tries to spin to take Escudero’s back, going for a rear-naked choke in one motion. Escudero denies it and scrambles back to his feet, where he lands an outside leg kick, a front kick, a left hook. Danzig walks Escudero into the cage and sticks him with some stiff left straights. Escudero is ducking his head as he throws left hooks, allowing Danzig to walk into the pocket and secure a waist lock. Danzig takes his back standing and tries a suplex, but Escudero keeps his balance. Danzig puts Escudero’s back on the fence and throws knees and uppercuts from the clinch. Escudero goes low for a single-leg with 40 seconds left, can’t get it and instead digs an underhook to put Danzig on the fence. Escudero changes levels for a double-leg, giving it up just before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Danzig
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Danzig
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Danzig

Round 2
Escudero lands some solid counters as he waits for Danzig to come inside, but once Danzig gets there, he locks Escudero up and lands more knees in the clinch as he works on the fence. Danzig comes over the top with a left hand, a right to the ribs and a right uppercut. Danzig is starting to rack up leg kicks now as the bout reaches the halfway mark and the Atlanta crowd begins to boo again. Danzig comes in behind another stiff leg kicks, clinches for a moment and exits. Another clinch from Danzig and Escudero gets off some knees to the body as he’s shoved into the cage. Danzig gives him a few in return before Escudero reverses and goes for a takedown of his own, which is denied.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Danzig
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Danzig
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Danzig

Round 3
The lightweights are quickly back in the clinch, where Escudero goes for knees before quickly disengaging. Danzig walks Escudero into the cage again and they exchange slapping leg kicks. An underhook for Danzig gets him the advantageous position on the fence; he throws left hands to Escudero’s ribs while Escudero responds with knees. Danzig puts in a hook standing and tries to take Escudero’s back but can’t get there. They separate momentarily but Danzig is soon back to clinching and trying to take the back standing. Again it fails and they jockey for position on the fence until ref Blake Grice splits them up with just under two minutes to go. Escudero stands with his back to the fence, as he has for much of the round, allowing Danzig to score with more leg kicks and then clinch up again. Danzig gets the last word with a knee to Escudero’s body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Danzig (30-27 Danzig)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Danzig (30-27 Danzig)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Danzig (30-27 Danzig)

Official result: The judges have it 30-27, 30-27 and 29-28, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Mac Danzig.

John Makdessi vs. Anthony Njokuani

Round 1
From the southpaw stance, Njokuani misses with his first low kick while Makdessi lands one to the body. Njokuani gives him one back and they start circling, with Makdessi taking the center while Njokuani goes clockwise around the cage. It’s a pure kicking contest through the first two minutes until Njokuani rushes with a straight punch combo, finishing off with a kick. Makdessi clips him with a counterpunch the next time and they resume circling. Njokuani seems to hurt Makdessi with a short punch as “The Bull” begins moving backward. Njokuani tries to capitalize but Makdessi regains his wits. The high kicks of Njokuani are grazing now while the shorter Makdessi is pulling up short. Solid left kick to the body from Njokuani and Makdessi throws more side-kicks at his rangy opponent. Makdessi lands a kick to the body but Njokuani was already moving backward.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Njokuani
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Njokuani
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Njokuani

Round 2
Njokuani resumes circling, alternating stances while the orthodox Makdessi gives chase with kicks to the head and body. Njokuani stops circling to let off a series of sharp leg kicks, has a body kick blocked. Catching a kick, Njokuani tries to sweep the back leg of Makdessi but can’t get him down. Makdessi walks into range and scores with punches, steps away and grazes with a head kick. Njokuani retaliates with more inside leg kicks. Makdessi goes to the body but misses with a flashy wheel kick. Njokuani comes forward to throw hands and gets backed up by a Makdessi left. Makdessi misses with an axe kick; Njokuani ducks inside after the attempt, digs a right hand to the body and moves out. He catches a kick from Makdessi and connects with a combination as he chases the Canadian. Makdessi shoots and grabs waist lock at the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Njokuani
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Njokuani
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Njokuani

Round 3
It’s back to the familiar position with Njokuani on the outside and Makdessi kicking from the middle. Makdessi is looking for a big overhand right now, too, but Njokuani is too far out of range and answers with more leg kicks. Makdessi lands a nice leg kick of his own and Njokuani puts another on his reddened left thigh. Makdessi hits a spinning back fist, though Njokuani was ducking and may have partially blocked it. A grazing hook kick scrapes Njokuani’s face and he gives back a one-two-leg kick combination. Njokuani snaps off a left high kick, a right hand and another left high kick in quick succession. Makdessi is still moving forward with a minute to go, firing the overhand right when he gets close enough to Njokuani but still unable to land it. Njokuani lands a pair of body kicks and circles out, prompting Makdessi to shrug as he gives chase. The crowd boos at the horn and Makdessi shrugs again.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Njokuani (30-27 Njokuani)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Makdessi (29-28 Njokuani)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Njokuani (30-27 Njokuani)

Official result: All three judges score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Anthony Njokuani.

Matt Brown vs. Stephen Thompson

Round 1
Thompson touches gloves high, stands back and immediately goes high with a side kick. He switches stances with his hands at his waist, throwing kicks as Brown chases him around the outside. Brown goes for an awkward shot, tries to pick the ankle, but Thompson slips away. Brown comes inside again and goes for a high single on the fence. He takes a moment to adjust, lets Thompson try to hop out and sweeps the leg. Brown lands a couple shots and Thompson closes up his guard. Brown stacks him up and tries to pass as he dives back down, but only lands a solid right hand. Thompson maintains half-guard and works to control Brown’s wrist as he tries to create space and stand. Thompson scrambles to his feet but gets pinned to the cage by Brown, who has an underhook with his left arm and throws short, hard shots with his right. Thompson reverses the position but Brown has a waist lock and he drags the striker down. Brown stays glued to Thompson’s back as they stand, and even a somersault from Thompson can’t shake him. Thompson is turtling now with 70 seconds on the clock. Brown has one hook in, trapping Thompson’s leg, and he rolls underneath for a calf slicer. Thompson pulls his leg out, gets on top briefly, but Brown finishes the round in his half-guard with some thudding punches.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brown
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brown
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brown

Round 2
Brown weathers a few kicks from Thompson to get inside and work for another takedown. Thompson defends well on the fence this time and connects with knees up the middle before they break off. He plunks Brown with a left hand before Brown shoots a long shot and plants Thompson on his rear. Thompson quickly works back up and separates. He lands a leg kick, misses on a head kick and follows up with a flurry of punches which daze Brown. “The Immortal” is moving backward and Thompson comes after him. Thompson drills Brown with a kick to the midsection and Brown is looking in bad shape. Thompson is pouring on the punches, hooks and uppercuts, while Brown covers up and circles away. Brown charges forward now, throwing huge right hands which miss. He rushes in for a weak shot and gets shoved aside by Thompson. Brown is in trouble, missing by a mile with arm punches, but he gets in close to Thompson and drops him with an elbow. Thompson falls to his back and the equally wiped Brown follows him. A series of elbows and right hands cut Thompson wide open along the hairline. Brown unloads with more elbows at the 10-second mark and the Ohio native has turned this second frame around in a big way.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Thompson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brown
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brown

Round 3
Brown looks momentarily refreshed as he rushes Thompson into the fence, but it soon becomes obvious that both men are spent from two rounds of hard going. Thompson slips on a kick but pops back up and Brown resumes stalking him around the perimeter. Thompson comes off the fence with a hard right hand and Brown covers up, his right eye looked banged up. Now it’s Brown moving forward with a combo, but Thompson reverses the momentum again with some hard shots of his own. Brown gets a takedown, can’t hold Thompson there. He trips him down again in the middle of the cage, splits the legs and stacks Thompson up to pass to half-guard on the right side. Brown has his man flattened out as he works to isolate the right arm. He drills elbows into Thompson’s body, even grabbing at a one-handed toe hold. Brown gets the crucifix with 55 seconds left; Thompson nearly extracts the arm, but instead gets caught in a mounted triangle. Brown is unloading with left hands and Thompson is just gushing blood from his forehead. Brown goes after the left arm with seconds left and the horn sounds.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brown (29-28 Brown)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Brown (30-27 Brown)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brown (30-27 Brown)

Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27, 29-27 and 30-27, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Matt Brown.

Travis Browne vs. Chad Griggs

Round 1
The taller Browne takes the center of the cage, feinting on the counter-clockwise circling Griggs, who lands first with an inside leg kick. Griggs lunges forward with punches, misses. Browne leaps in with a knee and dazes Griggs, then follows up with a few more in the clinch. “Hapa” hurls Griggs to the ground and gets to work from half-guard on Griggs’ right side, his left side to the fence. Griggs struggles underneath the larger Browne, who steps into mount and lands some left hands before setting up an arm-triangle. Griggs doesn’t see it coming and Browne hops off to the left side to tighten the choke. Griggs throws a few desperate punches, flails his legs and taps out. Travis Browne gets the first finish of the night via arm-triangle choke at 2:29 of the opening round.

Mark Bocek vs. John Alessio

Round 1
Bocek is first to come forward, swinging punches on Alessio which don’t connect, and Alessio returning the favor. Bocek grabs a single-leg, goes to a double as he’s sprawled on and punched a few times by “The Natural.” He keeps after it but the takedown doesn’t come, so he shoves Alessio into the cage and takes his back, where Bocek throws knees to the back of Alessio’s left thigh. Bocek gets his takedown and passes to side control, then dropping elbows from half-guard. Alessio is clasped onto Bocek’s left leg, trying to avoid the hard elbows from Bocek. Still in half-guard, Bocek continues to pound with elbows and occasional punches. Alessio keeps trying to escape but Bocek is with him every step of the way. When Alessio turtles, Bocek is instantly on his back with one hook in. Bocek punches the body of Alessio until he can roll through and secure the back. That’s where he finishes the round, still trying to soften up Alessio with punches.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bocek
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bocek
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bocek

Round 2
Alessio charges to meet Bocek in the middle of the cage, but Bocek backs off and Alessio doesn’t throw. Bocek scores with a pair of low kicks and one to the body; Alessio lands his best strikes of the bout so far with some snappy punches. The left-right cross goes again for Alessio and Bocek shoots immediately after, double-legging Alessio into the fence. Bocek works from Alessio’s open guard while Alessio peppers his fellow Canadian with palm strikes to the sides of the head. Bocek has an arm-triangle framed up as he tries to extract his right leg from half-guard but Alessio has it defended. More elbows come from Bocek in half-guard and Alessio scrambles back up, meeting Bocek on the feet with a left hook. Bocek has a head kick blocked and Alessio gives him a front kick in the gut. Alessio strings together a solid combination with 30 seconds left but it only causes Bocek to wrap him up on the cage and prevent any more offense. Alessio manages to land a knee up the middle before the round expires.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bocek
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bocek
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bocek

Round 3
Alessio comes out throwing hands while Bocek tries to keep him at bay with outside thigh kicks. Alessio denies a shot from Bocek and lands a hard left hook in the process, followed by some nice low kicks. The next kick from Alessio is caught by Bocek, though, and Alessio is soon turtling on the ground while Bocek works to secure his back. Bocek has a body triangle off his back and he keeps the punches coming with more than half the round left. With 2:15 remaining, Alessio twists free and springs to his feet. When they get back up, Bocek is leaking blood. Alessio is only able to throw a few shots before Bocek has him down and defending the back-mount again. Alessio slips out the backdoor and attacks in the clinch on the fence, but Bocek turns him around and digs for a high single-leg. Alessio tries a guillotine which causes Bocek to circle out with only seconds left. Alessio lands the last hard punches of the fight, but it’s likely too little, too late.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Alessio (29-28 Bocek)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Alessio (29-28 Bocek)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Alessio (29-28 Bocek)

Official result: The judges have it 30-27, 29-28 and 30-27, all for the winner by unanimous decision, Mark Bocek.

Mark Hominick vs. Eddie Yagin

Round 1
Yagin throws his left jab consistently while mixing in the occasional hook. He attacks the lead leg of Hominick with low kicks. Yagin drops Hominick with a massive right uppercut-left hook and gives chase on the ground. Hominick is bleeding badly from his left eye as Yagin tries to pound him out. The Canadian recovers, though, and springs back to his feet. He resumes moving forward and sticking his jab in the shorter man’s face while Yagin swings haymakers and chops away with leg kicks.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yagin
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Yagin
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Yagin

Round 2
Despite the first-round knockdown, Hominick emerges looking the fresher fighter. He keeps after Yagin, mixing jabs and hooks while Yagin lands some leg kicks and looks for the big overhand right. With 3:00 left on the clock, Yagin finds Hominick’s chin again. This time, he’s landing hard shots on the ground and Hominick looks in serious trouble. Again, Hominick recovers, though he’s now sporting damage underneath both eyes. Hominick works back to his feet and starts sticking both hands in Yagin’s face, bloodying the veteran’s nose with straight shots. Yagin is still sniping with quick, heavy hands but now Hominick is staying out of the way. Hominick digs a left hand into Yagin’s ribs. Yagin’s nose is a mess now but he comes forward with a wide left hook. Hominick isn’t looking too hot himself.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Yagin
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Yagin
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Yagin

Round 3
It’s more of the same at the start of the third: Hominick using hooks and jabs to the face and boy while Yagin just looks to crush his opponent with power shots. Yagin sticks a jab, misses wide with the follow-up right hook. Hominick lands a right hand, sticks a left straight and takes a hard outside leg kick. More leg kicks land for Yagin, who looks an absolute mess with the blood spewing out of his nose. Hominick is just walking Yagin down now, sniping with straight punches and stepping out of the way of Yagin’s blows. Yagin loses his mouthguard after one punch but replaces it as he backpedals. Hominick keeps the pressure on and lights him up on the fence. Yagin gets off the cage and goes for broke with spinning punches and kicks, big right hands and uppercuts, most of which miss. Hominick keeps picking his shots to the horn and does some pushups at the end of the bout to show he’s still fresh.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hominick (29-28 Yagin)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hominick (29-28 Yagin)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Hominick (29-28 Yagin)

Official result: The first judge scores the bout 29-28 for Yagin, while the second has the same score for Hominick. The final judge scores it 29-28 in favor of the winner by split decision, Eddie Yagin.

Miguel Torres vs. Michael McDonald

Round 1
Not much action through the first minute as Torres stalks just out of range of McDonald, who tries to find the range with a few kicks and right hands. McDonald starts throwing combinations, not landing at first, but then zapping Torres with a nice series which includes a right uppercut. A left hook and a right hand from McDonald, followed by a body kick. McDonald is getting his range now and Torres’ mouthpiece goes flying. After ref Herb Dean gives it back to Torres, McDonald launches into a vicious assault. A right uppercut does the damage and the subsequent punches from McDonald only plunge Torres into further unconsciousness. Michael McDonald scores a sizzling knockout win at 3:18 of the first round.

Brendan Schaub vs. Ben Rothwell

Round 1
The heavyweights touch gloves tentatively circle one another in the orthodox stance. Rothwell lands a punch to the body and Schaub wants to clinch. Rothwell gets the Thai plum and lands a knee, but Schaub breaks away. Schaub charges Rothwell against the cage and connects with a couple shots, but Rothwell snipes back with a left hook which turns Schaub’s head around. Schaub falls to his back, Rothwell lands a brutal right hand, and the lights are on but nobody’s home. Schaub is grabbing for a Rothwell who isn’t there and referee Herb Dean steps in to save Schaub from any more damage. Ben Rothwell gets the knockout win just 70 seconds into the opening round.

Rory MacDonald vs. Che Mills

Round 1
Mills flicks out a low kick from the outside and MacDonald misses one up high. More hard kicks outside from Mills as he looks to find a home for his hands. He slugs MacDonald with an uppercut against the cage and lays a forearm across the Canadian’s throat. MacDonald reverses but Mills pushes forward, rocking MacDonald with another uppercut and forcing “Ares” to go for a takedown. He gets it and Mills tries to strike from his back while MacDonald keeps tight on his chest to avoid damage and possibly recover. MacDonald scores with hard elbows, stands, dodges an upkick and crashes back down. He busts through Mills’ guard and into side control, where he lands right hands to the now-bloodied face of Mills. MacDonald traps Mills’ left arm between his legs and leans across to straighten out the right. He get in a half-dozen good punches until Mills frees his limbs and tries to wrap him from the bottom. MacDonald is all over Mills as he takes mount, then secures back mount and smashes away with punches. Mount again for MacDonald, more punches, then back control again. A choke finish looks imminent but MacDonald runs out of time.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 MacDonald
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 MacDonald
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 MacDonald

Round 2
MacDonald ducks under a straight punch from Mills and spins him to the ground with a single-leg. It’s side-control for MacDonald on Mills’ left side as the young Canadian looks to secure another crucifix. Instead, MacDonald moves to a high full mount, then assumes Mills’ back when the Englishman gives it up. MacDonald has both hooks in as he drills Mills with elbows, raising a hand to threaten a punch but not unloading. Seconds later, MacDonald does unload from mount, and the barrage has Mills crumbling. Mills goes belly-down and covers up, clearly done with the fight, and referee Mario Yamasaki intervenes. Rory MacDonald gets the TKO win at 2:20 of the second round.

UFC Light Heavyweight Championship
Jon Jones vs. Rashad Evans

Round 1
Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight’s main event, with judges Richard Bertrand, Derek Cleary and Chris Lee scoring at cageside. The champion Jones is greeted with boos from the crowd when he enters and gets more as he’s introduced. Jones puts his gloves up to touch and Evans obliges after a pause. Both men crouch in their corners before the bell but stand up to begin the bout. Jones lunges in and slips, but stands right back up. He throws a front kick at Evans’ knee, goes up high, then to the body. Evans looks to tie up and takes a knee to the body. Jones throws a front kick to the body and slaps Evan’s face with a left high kick. Jones fakes a shot, misses with another head kick. Evans feints as he dodges more head kicks from the champ. Evans hits an outside thigh kick and Jones throws a side-kick to the leg, then a leaping kick to the body. Jones tries to come over the top with a right, lands a left to the breadbasket. Evans connects with a head kick with only 30 seconds left in the round and throws a cluster of punches behind it. Jones backs up momentarily but finishes the round moving forward on the challenger.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 2
Jones comes in to clinch and Evans gives him some knees up the middle. They break off and Jones goes to outside leg kicks while Evans sticks his jab. Evans comes over the top with a right behind one of the jabs but Jones isn’t fazed. Jones throws a right kick that misses straight up the middle and Evans dodges the lunging punches that follow. Evans tries to wrap Jones up after a kick but can’t hang on. Both men sticking their jabs now midway through the round and Evans digs one to the body. Jones connects with an elbow in close quarters and walks Evans toward the fence. Another short elbow, and another has Evans dazed. Evans wobbles but stays up and gets bullied into the fence by Jones, who drills knees to Evans’ legs before breaking off. Head kick misses for Jones and Evans goes back to punching the body. The fighters are locking hands as they move along the outside, and that’s when Jones is leaning in with the hard elbows. Jones goes for a flying knee, gets inside and slugs Evans with a big left hook just before the end of the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 3
Jones misses a high kick and Evans backs him off with a double jab. Right hook scores for Evans, backing Jones away, but the champ jumps back at him with a superman punch. Good inside leg kick from Evans and both men miss with big overhand rights. Jones slaps Evans on the face with a left high kick but Evans doesn’t show it. Evans narrowly avoids a front kick to the face as Jones walks him toward the fence again. Now Evans gets away from the cage, pops Jones with a jab and throws a leg kick inside. Jones leaps in with a knee and connects with an elbow behind it. He’s got Evans’ back to the cage again and gets him with another flying knee, but Evans strikes back with a right hand and gets out of the bad spot. Evans gets inside to land punches for a moment, but Jones quickly shows him out with his longer strikes. Evans telegraphs a double-leg with 50 seconds left and gets stuffed by Jones. As the round winds down, Evans slugs Jones in the body and Jones misses with a spinning kick.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Evans
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 4
Jones keeps Evans at the end of his jab for the first minute of the fourth period, with Evans throwing little and landing less. Evans wants to clinch and Jones turns him away. Jones catches an outside leg kick and slugs Evans with a straight right. Switch kick from Jones, then a left hook. Evans rips a right hand to the champ’s body, his first significant offense of the round at the midway point. Jones kicks to the outside thigh, snaps off a jab and keeps walking down, now leaping at Evans. He grabs Evans in a front headlock when Evans shoots, and punishes him with an elbow as they break. They clinch up again and Jones drives hard knees up the middle before leaping to drive his shoulder into Evans’ face. Jones shoots just before the horn and is sprawled on.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones

Round 5
Jones continues to keep Evans at bay, moving him around the outside of the cage and plunking him with hard right hands. Evans whiffs on a spinning back fist and Jones gets inside to work some knees, first walking Evans away from the cage and then back to it. Evans misses with a high knee of his own as they disengage and now it’s back to Jones’ long jabs and kicks. Jones throws Evans down and tries to pounce with punches. Evans stands back up and is greeted with knees to the body and legs. Evans charges forward as the bout ends but Jones jumps guard before Evans can get in on him. That’s where it ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jones (50-45 Jones)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones (49-46 Jones)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones (50-45 Jones)

Official result: Judge Richard Bertrand scores the bout 50-45, while judges Derek Cleary and Chris Lee have it 49-46, all in favor of the winner by unanimous decision and still UFC light heavyweight champion, Jon “Bones” Jones.

Sherdog.com's UFC 145 play-by-play is brought to you by "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol."

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