

TUF 10 Finale Results and Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas with TUF 10 Finale results and live play-by-play. In the main event, Roy Nelson and Brendan Schaub will do battle for the "Ultimate Fighter" season 10 crown.

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Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Bocek vs. Brammer.
Mark Bocek vs. Joe Brammer
Round 1
Brammer throws a body kick but it’s blocked. And another. A minute in and they finally clinch. Bocek presses him in the cage and fires a right hand. They separate. Bocek shoots in for a double, but Brammer stuffs him. After a few seconds, Bocek scoops and slams Brammer down. They scramble, but Bocek won’t let him escape. Bocek seizes his back during another scramble and can’t sink the choke. Brammer rolls over and tries to break free, but Bocek locks on a body triangle to keep his foe put. Brammer is defending the choke well. They scramble out, and Bocek is still attached to his back. Brammer stands up and presses Bocek’s back into the fence. Bocek sneaks his forearm around and sinks in the rear-naked choke. It looks pretty deep, but Brammer is defending it well. Bocek slinks his arm fully under then chin now and squeezes. Brammer finally has to tap his own hip to submit. The official time of the rear-naked choke submission comes at 3:36.

Dennis Hallman vs. John Howard
Round 1
Hallman has a left head kick blocked immediately. They clinch against the fence. Hallman scores a quick takedown from the clinch and lands in half guard. Howard is controlling Hallman’s left arm. Hallman lands a decent left elbow. And another. Howard is OK. Referee Josh Rosenthal implores the two to start working. At the 2:38 mark, Rosenthal stands the fighters. Decent right leg kick by Howard. Howard digs in a vicious right uppercut to Hallman’s body, but “Superman” dives in and rolls Howard into a heel hook. Howard is in trouble, but he rolls away and escapes. Hallman drags Howard back down and the scramble into Howard’s guard. Howard and Hallman both are very patient on the ground and the sparse crowd is groaning for them to stand up. Not much happens in the final 30 seconds of the round. 10-9 Hallman.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Howard vs. Hallman.
Hallman lands a low kick immediately. They trade low kicks. Howard shoots in for a double leg and is stuffed. Instead he falls into a standing guillotine. Hallman has the choke and tries to pull guard, but Howard defends it well. The choke is gone. Hallman lets go and shifts to side control. Howard is very relaxed on his back. He quickly springs up. Hallman traps his escape and seizes his back. Hallman sinks his hooks in and Howard expertly defends the rear-naked choke. Howard’s corner is growing more frustrated with his lack of listening skills. Howard lands two futile punches from his back behind the choke attempt. Hallman is not doing much. There’s 30 seconds left and nothing is going on. Howard’s corner is yelling at Rosenthal that Hallman isn’t doing anything but keeping Howard down. 10-9 Hallman.

Round 3
Hallman lands a left kick to Howard’s body and follows it up with a left hook. Howard takes him down and quickly stands back up. They clinch and Howard throws a series of knees, but nothing lands clean. Howard then takes Hallman down again, but Hallman quickly pulls full guard. Hallman traps Howard’s left arm. Hallman, working from an open guard, looks for an armbar. Howard explodes and scrambles out, but Hallman sucks him right back down, this time into half guard. Howard explodes and secures a full mount halfway through the final round. Hallman bucks and defends well, but finally some punches land for Howard. Hallman escapes out the back door and rolls into Howard’s full guard. Howard’s chance to close the show probably just left with Hallman through the exit. Very little action as Hallman is just holding Howard down. With 24 seconds left, Rosenthal stands them up. Howard explodes in a desperate leap of faith, trying for a miracle knockout. Howard lands a huge left hook. Hallman’s eyes roll back as he falls onto his back against the fence. Howard unloads another left hand and Hallman is out cold. Rosenthal immediately pulls Howard off with just a few ticks of the clock left in the round. Official time of the KO is 4:55 of the third and final round.

Brian Stann vs. Rodney Wallace
Round 1
They square off and size each other up, throwing no strikes for the first 25 seconds. Wallace shoots in and takes Stann down, but he is able to pull guard. They remain on the ground for a brief moment until Stann scrambles and escapes back to his feet. They engage again and Stann lands a hard right hand to the body and then clinches Wallace into the fence. Another right to the body by Stann and they separate. Stann misses a left/right and Wallace scores a nice double-leg takedown. Stann scrambles right back up to his feet, but Wallace presses him into the fence. Wallace grabs Stann’s left leg, but can’t land the single. With two minutes left, Wallace finally gets the single, but Stann gets right back up. Stann lands a right hand. Hard right low kick by Stann. Stann misses a right hand and shoots in for a single leg, but Wallace stuffs him and flips him over his head. Once Stann crashes onto the canvas, Wallace nabs side control. Stann scrambles back to his feet and lands another right hand. They clinch and Wallace scores another double leg. It was a very close round, but Wallace’s takedowns are the difference. 10-9 Wallace.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Stann vs. Wallace.
They exchange left jabs immediately and Wallace shoots in for another takedown. This time it’s stuffed by Stann. They grapple along the fence for about thirty seconds until Wallace finally scoops up Stann and slams him down. Stann quickly fence-walks back to his feet and then quickly scores a takedown of his own. Wallace pulls full guard. Stann lands a few elbows and punches from the top. Wallace switches from closed to open guard, then back to closed. Another elbow from Stann, this one is hard. Stann postures up and lands another series of punches. Stann stands up and hovers over Wallace and then dives back in with a right hand. Stann lands two more right elbows while Wallace pulls guard. Stann postures up again and lands a left hand, but it’s not hard. Wallace, desperate, rolls over and tries a kneebar. Stann rolls over and defends, but Wallace won’t let go. Wallace switches to a moderate heel hook, but he’s got nothing. Stann rolls over again at the end of the round. 10-9 Stann.

Round 3
A hard right low kick by Stann hurts Wallace immediately. Wallace winces but then shoots in and scores a double leg takedown. Stann scrambles out, but Wallace seizes his back and gets his hooks in. Stann defends the rear-naked choke perfectly. Wallace lets go of the choke and loses Stann’s back. Stann fights his way back up to his feet and clinches against the fence. Wallace reverses position and now has Stann pinned against the cage midway through the stanza. They separate for a second, re-clinch and Stann lands a hard right knee to Wallace’s body. They separate again and Wallace lands a “Superman” punch. Wallace shoots in and his takedown is stuffed. 90 seconds left and Stann switches positions and pins Wallace into the cage. Very little action now as both men are gassed out; Wallace more so. They separate again and Stann lands a hard right low kick and a knee to the body when Wallace clinched. They separate and swing for the fences. Both men land decent punches, but nothing devastating. Close round. 10-9 Stann.

Official scores: 30-27, 29-28 and 29-28 for Brian Stann, who takes the unanimous decision.

Justin Wren vs. Jon Madsen
Round 1
They come out swinging for the fences and nothing clean lands from either man. A left hand opens a cut on the right eyelid of Wren 30 seconds in. It’s not gushing blood, but it’s in a bad spot. They swing wildly again and miss. A hard right hand stuns Madsen for a moment. He regroups and is OK. A left hand from Madsen stuns Wren. Another spurt of wild throws from both and nothing lands. The pace slows considerably midway through the opening frame. Wren sticks out his chin, points to it and dares Wren to hit it. They again exchange wild punches but again, nothing lands. Wren swings for the fences and whiffs like Dave Kingman. A hard right to the body from Wren with 30 seconds left. They flail away again and miss everything. Another hard right to the ribs by Wren. The round ends. 10-9 Wren.

Round 2
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Madsen vs. Wren.
Madsen is moving around cage more smoothly now and lands a series of pawing right jabs. Wren tries to goad him into another slugfest, but Madsen doesn’t fall for it. Blood is now coming from the inside of Wren’s left ear. Wren is sloppy in his attacks, while Madsen is boxing well on the outside. They size each other up and the action slows to a crawl. Midway through the period, and Wren hasn’t been able to land anything of note. Wren misses a huge looping right hand by a few feet. Madsen keeping his distance and keeps pecking away with his jabs. Wren lunges in an attempt to land something big, but Madsen ducked out of the way. Wren, frustrated, tries suckering Madsen into a slugfest at the bell. 10-9 Madsen.

Round 3
They engage in a brief exchange, but only a right hand by Madsen lands. A minute in, an almost nothing has landed from either man. Wren again tries to flail away for a knockout and Madsen avoids everything. A hard left jab, right to the body from Wren; his best offense in over a round. Wren counters a left jab with a hard right low kick. Hard left to the body from Wren. Wren follows it up with a kick to the body. Midway through and the fight, and it is still up in the air. Wren is launching furious, loopy bombs and misses them all. Madsen moving well, but he’s not making Wren pay for his mistakes. Wren is pressing the issue and pins Madsen into the cage. They separate. Wren misses a sloppy right hand and then looks at the screens to see how much time is left in the round. 30 seconds left. Wren is much more aggressive, though he’s not landing anything, Madsen is only covering up. At the bell, Wren lands a hard right kick to the body. 10-9 Wren.

Official scores: 30-27, 28-29 and 29-28 for Madsen. He takes the split decision. The crowd mostly boos the decision but only for a few seconds.

Darrill Schoonover vs. James McSweeney
Round 1
A left low kick by McSweeney early. Schoonover looks a bit timid in there. McSweeney is very aggressive with punches and kicks, but they mostly miss. Hard left hook by McSweeney hurts his foe a minute in. Schoonover falls down and grabs his opponent’s legs to prevent more punishment. In the ensuing scramble, Schoonover falls into a tight guillotine. McSweeney loses his guard and it’s grim for Schoonover. Darrill pops his head out and quickly escapes the guard. Schoonover pops back up to his feet and then dives back into McSweeney with a right hand. McSweeney quickly pulls him in to half guard. The crowd is relentless with verbal attacks on Schoonover’s appearance. McSweeney tries a kimura and when he loses it, he sweeps Schoonover. McSweeney lands in side control and quickly tries another kimura. He misses. McSweeney hurries and seizes the back of a scrambling Schoonover. Schoonover rolls over to escape and he does. McSweeney stands up lets his opponent up. They go toe-to-toe and Schoonover lands a right hand that hurts McSweeney. Schoonover unloads, but McSweeney fires back. Great action at the bell. Schoonover may have stolen the round with that explosion. 10-9 McSweeney.

Round 2
Schoonover lands a slapping left hand seconds in and it looks like it hurt McSweeney. The crowd is heavily behind Schoonover now, switching their chants of “Shamoo, Shamoo” to “Darrill, Darrill.” They flurry again and Schoonover stumbles onto the ground. McSweeney dives in and Schoonover pulls guard. A hard right elbow from McSweeney. And another. Schoonover scrambles out and shoots from the ground for a double, but McSweeney stuffs him. Schoonover turtles up and McSweeney lands some hammer strikes, but nothing major connects. Not much action now as Schoonover remains turtled. Schoonover explodes and sweeps McSweeney. McSweeney counters with a sweep of his own and lands in side control. A minute left and Schoonover misses and armbar and then scrambles away. McSweeny pounces and Schoonover turtles up again. Schoonover rolls out, but McSweeney takes his back. A few punches from McSweeney at the horn. 10-9 McSweeney.

Round 3
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

McSweeney vs. Schoonover.
A front kick by McSweeney right away. They clinch and McSweeney just misses a massive right elbow. They fire punches, and Schoonover drops to his back after he stumbles. McSweeney dives down and quickly moves to side control. McSweeney can’t capitalize and allows Schoonover to roll out and get to half guard. There’s little action and Rosenthal stands them. Right hand by Schoonover. Side kick by McSweeney. Both men look worn out. Schoonover misses a right head kick. They clinch along the fence and trade knees to the body. They scurry across the cage and McSweeney uncorks a huge knee to the face that’s partially blocked. A right head kick by McSweeney is blocked and a straight right hand follows. Schoonover is hurt and retreats. McSweeney closes in and lands a series of right hands. Schoonover drops to his side to avoid punishment and McSweeney unloads until Rosenthal stops it. The official time of McSweeney’s TKO victory is 3:20 of the third round.

Marcus Jones vs. Matt Mitrione
Round 1
Mitrione roughs Jones up with a right hand to get the action started. Jones closes the distance and slams Mitrione to the floor and lands directly into side control. Mitrione uses the cage to “crawl” to his feet and a slugfest ensues. Jones attempts a takedown without properly dropping levels and eats a knee to the chin for his transgression. Jones pushes Mitrione against the fence and does little else. Mitrione knees the body and stopms the right foot of his foe. Jones locks up a Thai plum and Mitrione flops to avoid a knee. Mitrione scrambles to his feet and gets caught in an arm-in guillotine. Jones pulls guard with the choke, but he’s unable to secure a finish. Mitrione stands and waits for Referee Steve Mazzagatti to stand Jones. Mitrione falls victim to a double-leg takedown, but he pops right back up to his feet. Mitrione peppers Jones with a right hook that buckles the large man’s frame. Jones counters with a trip takedown at the horn.
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Mitrione vs. Jones.

Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Jones
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Mitrione

Round 2
Jones, chin high in the air, rushes forward with a low kick and a sloppy right hand. He is met with two right crosses that put his lights out. Mazzagatti swarms to protect the fallen fighter at the 0:10 mark of round two.

Frankie Edgar vs. Matt Veach
Round 1
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Edgar vs. Veach.
Edgar misses a potent head kick at the bell. Veach lands a left hook lead and then attempts a single-leg takedown. Edgar has none of it. A second attempt scores, as Veach lifts Edgar high into the air and deposits him on the canvas. Edgar looks to hit a switch. It fails, buit he scrambles back to his feet. And again he is slammed hard to the mat. Veach appears to have a strong advantage in the wrestling department early on. Edgar works to his feet and snaps Veach’s head back with a straight right. Edgar is the more refined standup artist. He uses a jab and a low kick to set up a right hand. Veach swings for the fences on every punch, and he has yet to score clean since the opening minuite of the frame. 45 seconds remain in round one. Edgar uses good head movement to sneak in a left hook.

Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Veach
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Edgar
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Edgar

Round 2
Edgar stuffs two Veach single legs in the opening minute of the second stanza. Edgar controls the wrist and widens his base to defend the second attempt. Edgar cracks Veach with a right hook. Veach stumbles and collapses to the floor. Edgar jumps on his back and then transitions to the mount. Edgar pounds away and Veach turns his back to avoid punishment. Edgar slips his arm under the chin and secures a tapout from a rear-naked choke at 2:22 of the second.

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Houston Alexander vs. Kimbo Slice
Round 1
Alexander circles away from Slice and throws a low kick. One minute has passed and Alexander has circled away from Kimbo for the duration of the bout. 90 seconds in, and all to show for it is two missed low kicks by Alexander. Houston slips in an inside low kick. Kimbo stops chasing his prey momentarily to ask Alexander if he wants to fight or not. Good times. Slice throws a left-hook lead that falls short. Slice closes the distance and unloads with a fast left and right. Alexander slips them both. Slice then cracks Alexander with a right hook. Alexander survives and misses a knee from the Thai plum. The pace slows again and Alexander lands another inside low kick. And another. Alexander continues to work exclusively on the left leg of Slice. The crowd showers the Octagon with boos.

Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-10
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Slice
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Slice

Round 2
Alexander continues his circle fest in embarrassing fashion. Alexander runs away from a Slice right hand like Kalib Starnes. Alexander slaps his foot off the left knee of Slice and winces. Slice lands a jab that rocks Alexander. Slice picks Alexander up and deposits him on the mat. Slice jumps to mount. Alexander escapes the sloppy positioning and is hurt by a Slice right hand. Slice picks Alexander up and slams him in one of the scariest impacts I have ever seen. I feared for a split second that Alexander’s neck was broken, but he’s fine. Alexander moves to the mount and roughs his for up with his right hand. Alexander stands again, and is taken back down. But this time, he lands in the mount at the sound of the horn.

Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-8 Slice
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Slice
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Slice

Round 3
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Slice vs. Alexander.
Slice baits Alexander into a sloppy exchange. Alexander gets a right hand in. Slice answers with the most feminine punches he’s thrown in his MMA career. Alexander jabs with his hands down, and Slice looks too tired to counter. The pace and the circling have stopped. Both fighters are fatigued. Alexander kicks Slice’s left leg out from under him. Slice is slow to stand and Alexander tries to pounce on the fallen fighter with punches. Slice makes it to his feet and trips Alexander to the canvas. Slice works from the top in half guard. Referee Josh Rosenthal stands the fighters up with 58 seconds remaining. Both fighters are too tired to do anything. With 10 seconds left, Slice sacks up and throws a right hand. Alexander lands a standing elbow at the bell that backs Slice up.

Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-10 (30-28 Slice)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Alexander (29-28 Slice)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Alexander (29-27 Slice)

Official scores: Kimbo Slice takes the unanimous decision with scores of 29-28 (twice) and 30-27.

Jon Jones vs. Matt Hamill
Round 1
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Jones vs. Hamill.
Hamill jabs the face of Jones early. Hamill throws a spinning-back kick that misses, but he follows with a right hand that grazes the face of his opponent. Hamill stuffs a shot and then misses a flashy spinning-back fist. Hamill goes back to work with a double jab. Jones trips Hamill to the floor and immediately takes the mount. Jones absolutely tees off with bones hands and elbows to boot. Hamill does nothing but cover up while absorbing a ton of punishment. Hamill is bleeding and Jones throws a downward elbow. Referee Steve Mazzagatti takes a point from Jones for the infraction. Hamill refuses to stand after the point is taken and the bout is called. Hamill’s nose is busted up bad. There’s a cut running laterally that spans the bridge of the nose. The official ruling is that the intentional foul ended the fight, so Jones is disqualified. Hamill takes home the DQ win. An official time is not given.

Roy Nelson vs. Brendan Schaub
Round 1
Dave Mandel/Sherdog.com

Nelson vs. Schaub.
Schaub comes out jabbing and Nelson wants no part of it. Nelson backs up to the cage and Schaub unloads with both hands. Nelson is able to block everything. Nelson closes in and trips Schaub to the floor. Nelson begins to work from half guard. He passes to side control and looks to set up a kimura on Schaub’s left arm. Schaub spins out and stands. Schuab is swinging for the fences and Nelson briefly obliges his opponent. Schaub’s jab is effective, but he leaves his hands down and is cracked by a Nelson right hook. Schaub bounces a sloppy left hook off the chin of Nelson. “Big Country” then steps forward in the pocket and outs Schaub’s lights out with a right hook on the ear. Nelson hits him with a final right hand for good measure as referee Herb Dean steps in to save the sleeping fighter at 3:45 of the first. Roy Nelson has been crowned season 10 champion with the knockout.
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